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Proplend Loan Exchange (PLE)
The Proplend Loan Exchange offers existing Lenders a liquidity function and new Lenders the ability to purchase interest bearing loan parts. Liquidity is available but not guaranteed
How the loan exchange and accrued interest works (buying Lender)
Login and review available Loan investments
Log in to the account you want to invest from and click Loans, then PLE loans. Any available loan parts will be listed here.
Face value and Accrued Interest
Each listed loan trades at the remaining face value of the loan part plus the accrued interest due from the loans previous interest payment date till the date of purchase.
Monthly Income
Once purchased, as the new owner of that loan part you will receive the full months interest payment when the loans next monthly interest payment date is made.
How the loan exchange and accrued interest works (selling Lender)
Login and choose loan parts to sell
Log in to the account you want to sell the loan part from. Choose the loan part from your loan portfolio and click Sell. The loan must be in active good standing.
You can remove it later if you change your mind.
Even whilst a loan part is placed on the PLE, you will continue to receive interest due. At the point of sale you will receive the remaining face value of the loan part plus the accrued interest due from the last interest payment date till the point of sale.
Upon successful sale of a loan part via the PLE the selling Lender is charged a 0.5% fee on the remaining face value of the loan. (£5 per £1,000 loan part)
Available but not guaranteed
Lenders can place their loan parts for sale on the PLE, subject to conditions. If a loan is within one month of the loan maturity date, is in interest arrears or is subject to a material event, it will be ineligible for the PLE.
Loans sell at face value plus the accrued interest at the point of sale.
Loans Traded on the PLE