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Commercial Property Auctions

We closely monitor the commercial property auctions from both Allsop and Acuitus, they offer regular real time insight into what is going on in the sub £5m commercial property sector. Bidding, demand and pricing is totally transparent and it helps us both at credit and throughout the life of a

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Proplend joins the RICS Tech Partner Programme

The programme works to develop and promote the use of technology in the real estate sector, and is designed to create confidence in the industry. RICS describe it as a collaboration platform for innovative data and technology across the globe. It aims to share thought leadership content and market insight

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VAT due on Commercial Property

VAT is very simple, VAT Input (paying VAT on goods or services purchased) and VAT output (charging VAT on goods or services provided). A commercial property can be thought of as “goods or service”. If a property is elected for VAT and the owner of the property is VAT registered,